New Parent FAQs
New Parent FAQs
New Parent FAQs

Whether your child is entering Kindergarten or the Upper School, we want to make the transition as smooth as possible for your family. Starting a new school is exciting, but can be a little overwhelming as well.
That’s why we’ve put together a variety of resources to ensure you feel right at home from day one. This list of frequently asked questions will direct you to the information you’re likely looking for; however, if we’ve forgotten something, please give us a call! We’re so glad you are a part of the Millwood family.
Junior Kindergarten - Grade 12 Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Arrival Time: Junior Kindergarten - Grade 12: 8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
(This allows time to empty the car pool line.)
Dismissal Time: Junior Kindergarten - Grade 5: 3:15 p.m. / Grade 6 - Grade 12: 3:30 p.m.
We understand how unpredictable traffic and other commitments can be. Students who have not been picked up by 3:50 p.m. will be sent to Extended Day, to relax and be supervised until they are picked up. Normal Extended Day charges apply.
Arrival Time: Junior Kindergarten - Grade 12: 8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
(This allows time to empty the car pool line.)
Dismissal Time: Junior Kindergarten - Grade 5: 3:15 p.m. / Grade 6 - Grade 12: 3:30 p.m.
We understand how unpredictable traffic and other commitments can be. Students who have not been picked up by 3:50 p.m. will be sent to Extended Day, to relax and be supervised until they are picked up. Normal Extended Day charges apply.
Yes. Millwood School offers an Extended Day Program to families of Junior Kindergarten - Grade 8 students who need supervision for their children before or after regular school hours. This program is operated at the school, and is available from 7:00 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. and again from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. We prefer to have advance reservations, and these can be made by calling the front office. Children must be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. An additional fee (per child) will be charged for any pick-up after 6:00 p.m. Extended Day bills are issued at the end of each month and will be sent to you.
Please call the front office. A message will be given to your child, his/her teacher, and the Extended Day staff.
All students arriving after 8:30 a.m. must enter the front doors of Founders Hall, the main building. Students should sign in and receive a tardy slip to give to the teacher, so they will not be counted absent. Parents are asked to notify the office and the teacher if a student needs to be picked up before dismissal. Parents should go to the front desk and sign their child out.
If Millwood School decides to close early due to inclement weather, we stay open until the last child is picked up. If we decide to not open due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made on the major television and radio stations. An announcement will also be made on our website as well as our school voicemail, and families can sign up for our text notification system.
If there is a message that cannot wait until the end of the school day, call the front office. They will pass your message on to your child's teacher or directly to your child.
Specific supply lists for Lower, Middle and Upper School are sent in the Back to School packet in the August electronic mailing from Millwood School. Also in Middle School, students have lockers for the first time, so many choose to add locker shelves or accessories to this personal space.
If you think it is important, and if you are available to bring it to them, then by all means bring it in. But we support the learning experience this offers, and suggest you consider letting your child take the consequences of their omission. It might help them to remember the item next time! If it’s lunch that has been forgotten, we can provide an emergency lunch.
At Millwood School, we believe that school is a special place and that we dress in a special way to attend. Students are expected to dress neatly in a manner that would neither distract from classroom instruction nor inhibit them from participating in activities that take place during a normal school day.
We have a mandatory dress code for all students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12; you will be informed of any dress code violations. Please see the Student & Family Handbook for dress code information. The dress code applies for regular classes, physical education, field trips, after-school clubs and activities, and extended day. You will be told when there are any exceptions to this.
School uniforms should be worn every Monday-Friday for Junior Kindergarten - Grade 12, on all field trips, and on other special occasions.
We have a mandatory dress code for all students in Junior Kindergarten through Grade 12; you will be informed of any dress code violations. Please see the Student & Family Handbook for dress code information. The dress code applies for regular classes, physical education, field trips, after-school clubs and activities, and extended day. You will be told when there are any exceptions to this.
School uniforms should be worn every Monday-Friday for Junior Kindergarten - Grade 12, on all field trips, and on other special occasions.

The first place to check is the child’s locker or cubby, the child’s class, and in the Lower School wing. For Middle and Upper School students, please visit the front desk. Please encourage your child to keep up with their belongings, and make sure all uniform items are named. We recommend you visit the Lost and Found from time to time, to double-check for items belonging to you. It is always astonishing to see how much accumulates during the year. Any unclaimed items will be donated to Goodwill at the end of the school year.
In case of inclement weather or an emergency, school may be canceled. Any school closing or delayed opening will be announced on the school website and our school voicemail. These are the best places to check.
School closings will also be sent to local radio and television stations, and put on the telephone message system at the school. For sports games cancellations, check the school website and your email for the latest news. Families may sign up for our notification system to receive text and email notifications for emergencies, inclement weather, or sports information.
School closings will also be sent to local radio and television stations, and put on the telephone message system at the school. For sports games cancellations, check the school website and your email for the latest news. Families may sign up for our notification system to receive text and email notifications for emergencies, inclement weather, or sports information.
Please call the school office to report your child's absence on the first day they are off school. Send in a note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. Please make sure that they are ready for a full day's work before sending your child back to school after an illness.
Remember that they may have to cope with PE and recess. If your child is showing symptoms of a fever, vomiting, headache, or rash please keep them home until the illness has passed, and there has been no vomiting or fever for 24 hours. For sore throat, runny nose, coughing, and sneezing, please consider keeping them at home if they are unwell with these symptoms.
If your child needs medication at school, complete the medication form. This will be kept on file in the clinic. Take the medication (in the original prescription container with the prescribed dosage and directions) to the office. Please be sure to notify the office if there is any change in either the dosage or time the medicine is to be given. Students are not allowed to carry prescribed or non-prescribed medicines to school, and may not self-medicate.
If anyone in your home (whether they’re a pupil at Millwood School or not) has a communicable disease, please inform the office immediately. If it is a communicable disease that does not require isolation, your child may return to school after the required exclusion period. If it does require isolation, you will need your doctor’s permission before your child can return to school.
We can provide contacts for speech and other areas of therapy if you feel your child has need of external services.
Students take a mid-morning break every day. They may bring their own drink and a healthful snack. Soft drinks are never permitted for snack or for lunch. If your child forgets their lunch, and we cannot contact you, we will provide an “Emergency Lunch” and notify you of this. Please pack suitable food for your child. They may not eat a large amount during the excitement of school lunch times. They need to be able to unwrap their food and eat it neatly by themselves; don’t pack messy or difficult packages and do not send anything in glass.
On your child’s birthday you may want to send in cupcakes or another treat in recognition of their special day; please make arrangements with your child’s teacher.
Most Mondays, all students and faculty meet for Monday Morning Meeting. This brings the entire school together. We encourage you to attend whenever you are able, and you’re welcome to bring any friends or family. These meetings provide the opportunities for public speaking, class presentations, sharing announcements, recognition of achievements, discussion of the Big Ten and VIP, and reminders about school policy.
Once a month, middle school students have separate Monday Morning Meetings. Monday Morning Meetings start at 8:40 a.m. and last for about 30 minutes. Seating for parents is provided in the area to the far left of the stage.
Yes! Parents and grandparents are welcome to visit and observe in the classroom, come to Monday Morning Meetings, attend special events, and cheer on our sports teams. If you are planning to visit with your child’s class, it’s wise to check with the teacher in advance, to be sure the children are available at the time you wish to observe.
For the safety of our students, all visitors must enter and exit the building through the front door, sign in through our check-in kiosk upon arrival and out upon departure, and wear an I.D. badge while inside the school.
For the safety of our students, all visitors must enter and exit the building through the front door, sign in through our check-in kiosk upon arrival and out upon departure, and wear an I.D. badge while inside the school.
Our parent volunteers are a treasured part of Millwood. You will be welcomed for however much you wish to volunteer. Contact the chair of the MPA, the volunteer coordinator, or the person coordinating the area you’re interested in, to let them know you’re available. Volunteering is a great way to get involved and to meet other parents.
There are many ways you can meet other Millwood parents. At the beginning of the year we have a Back to School Night. Our Millwood School Fall Festival is especially designed to provide an opportunity for you to meet other parents and feel part of the school. There are numerous events throughout the year hosted either by the school or the Millwood Parent Association (MPA); lookout for details on the Millwood Golf Classic, the Annual Auction, and others, and mark your calendars with those dates. Make an effort to attend; those who do so will tell you how much they enjoy these events, and how enriching it is to have this involvement with the school and with other parents. There is also a Parent Group on Facebook that is not officially endorsed by the school, but is a good place to interact with other parents. Information on Social Media can be found here.
Individual grades also organize events. You are welcome at class parties, and room parents periodically organize grade level coffee mornings. Your ideas are welcome too; contact your room parent and/or the MPA. MPA meetings are always open to any parent; you’ll be made welcome and it’s a great way to meet other parents.
Individual grades also organize events. You are welcome at class parties, and room parents periodically organize grade level coffee mornings. Your ideas are welcome too; contact your room parent and/or the MPA. MPA meetings are always open to any parent; you’ll be made welcome and it’s a great way to meet other parents.
We’re delighted that our Millwood families endorse our school to their friends and neighbors. Encourage them to contact the Admissions Director, Janice Jennings, and she will arrange for them to tour the school. We also have a number of Open House events at the school.
Throughout the year, you will receive feedback about your child’s progress. Your child’s teacher will call you regularly to provide updates, and will use the communication folder and/or assignment pad to let you know any significant achievements or concerns. Your child will be bringing home graded papers and tests. You will also receive four progress reports during the academic year. The first report will be shared with you at the fall parent conference.
Lower School students are graded using broad measurements of the student's progress during this time of a child's rapid growth. For sixth through twelfth grade students, Millwood School uses the following letter grade categories:
- "A/A+", 90-100%, represents excellence in the following areas: intellectual command of scholarship showing accuracy of knowledge, ability to show independence and self-discipline in completing assigned work, cooperation in classroom activities with frequent contributions to the progress of the class, effective use of materials presented, and originality in spoken and/or written expression.
- "B/B+", 80-89%, represents an above-average standard of the knowledge of course content, reasonable grasp of course methods of study and objectives, active class participation, orderly presentation of assignments, and ability to express ideas coherently orally and/or in writing.
- "C/C+", 70-79%, represents a satisfactory level of achievement, initiative, and familiarity with the course content, completion of at least a majority of the necessary requirements set by the teacher with a reasonable understanding and grasp, basic skill achievement is apparent, oral and/or written assignments are completed in reasonable fashion.
- "D/D+", 60-69%, represents a below average standard in most of the necessary requirements, but sufficient success is apparent to warrant a passing grade.
- "U", below 60%, represents unsatisfactory work in a majority of even the minimum standards.
For the 6-12 grading scale, please view the Student and Family Handbook.
Millwood School recognizes the busy lives elementary children lead, as well as the amount of energy that the students put into their school day. Homework for primary students will be kept to a minimum. Each individual teacher will share homework expectations with you.
Intermediate and middle school students will be expected to do a certain amount of homework every night, between one and two hours. If you believe your child spends too much time on or has difficulty with homework, please share your concerns with your child's teacher.
Kindergarten through second grade students write down their homework assignments on a sheet of paper that is stapled inside their communications folder. Third through eighth grade students have an assignment pad provided by the school. Please sign this folder/assignment pad every day, after viewing completed homework assignments.
Your role in homework is important. Younger children will frequently need your supervision and some assistance. Your interest and encouragement will do a great deal in establishing good work habits in a child. Older children should be given the chance to demonstrate responsibility and independence with their homework. Please do not do your child’s homework for them; completed homework provides feedback to the teachers, who need to know what a child can and cannot do. While it may be tempting to get involved, especially with science projects, posters, and typing assignments, remember that homework is your child’s work, not yours.
We also ask you to make reading a part of your regular routine at home. Educational research has proven that it is very beneficial to children to be read to on a daily basis. We read to all the children at Millwood daily.
Intermediate and middle school students will be expected to do a certain amount of homework every night, between one and two hours. If you believe your child spends too much time on or has difficulty with homework, please share your concerns with your child's teacher.
Kindergarten through second grade students write down their homework assignments on a sheet of paper that is stapled inside their communications folder. Third through eighth grade students have an assignment pad provided by the school. Please sign this folder/assignment pad every day, after viewing completed homework assignments.
Your role in homework is important. Younger children will frequently need your supervision and some assistance. Your interest and encouragement will do a great deal in establishing good work habits in a child. Older children should be given the chance to demonstrate responsibility and independence with their homework. Please do not do your child’s homework for them; completed homework provides feedback to the teachers, who need to know what a child can and cannot do. While it may be tempting to get involved, especially with science projects, posters, and typing assignments, remember that homework is your child’s work, not yours.
We also ask you to make reading a part of your regular routine at home. Educational research has proven that it is very beneficial to children to be read to on a daily basis. We read to all the children at Millwood daily.
The best person to talk to is your child’s teacher. They know your child and the class, and can take positive action to resolve any problems. You can write the teacher a note, email the teacher, or call the office and leave a message and the teacher will call you back. Alternatively, you can arrange to see the teacher at a convenient time. If you feel it is a matter best dealt with by the Head of School, then call to arrange an appointment.
Once again, the best person to talk to is your child’s classroom or Primetime/Lifetime teacher. They know your child and the class, and can take positive action to resolve any problems. You can write the teacher a note, or phone the office and leave a message and the teacher will call you back. Some teachers welcome contact by email. Alternatively, you can arrange to see the teacher at a convenient time. If you feel it is a matter best dealt with by the Head of School, then call to make an appointment.
Only you can judge the seriousness of your child’s upset emotions. Very often these things pass naturally, but equally your child’s teacher can help and will welcome the chance to do so. Very occasionally, an upset signals a bigger underlying problem, and it is helpful to us to know your concerns.
Only you can judge the seriousness of your child’s upset emotions. Very often these things pass naturally, but equally your child’s teacher can help and will welcome the chance to do so. Very occasionally, an upset signals a bigger underlying problem, and it is helpful to us to know your concerns.
Standardized testing is part of an on-going institutional and student evaluation. These tests are used as only one of several methods of evaluation, which include teacher observations, homework, class work, social interaction and creativity.
The school strongly urges families to plan ahead and arrange family vacations according to times when school is not in session. Your child’s absence affects their classmates as well as themselves.
Millwood’s vacation time is carefully arranged to allow you to travel safely and conveniently during heavily traveled times. We hope this will be adequate for your family plans. When it is essential to take your child out of school, parents are required to advise teachers in advance in writing.
Here is a list of some behaviors that would warrant disciplinary action.
- Class Disruptions: any and all actions that impede the flow of class activity. This includes out of classroom activities such as field trips, sports events, and transportation.
- Disrespect to Others: authority figures, other students, and guests will not be treated in any disrespectful or discourteous manner. Disrespect includes physical or verbal abuse, talking while a teacher is talking, teasing, or unkind behavior.
- Any Dishonest Activity: including but not limited to lying, cheating, stealing and "unauthorized borrowing," and entering someone's locker without permission.
- Property Destruction: includes vandalism and/or mistreatment of school or personal property.
- Disregard of Stated School Policy: dress code, communication folders, and drugs and alcohol.
- Lack of Academic Responsibility: incomplete homework, not being prepared for class, not having proper materials, unsigned assignment pads.
- Bullying: physical, verbal, or psychological bullying, or any threatening behaviors.
Yes. Millwood School fully appreciates the risks as well as the opportunities offered by the internet and other technological devices and resources. The School has clear guidelines for school use of the internet. Millwood strives to teach students how to use the internet wisely and responsibly.
Millwood School has policies prohibiting the use of drugs and alcohol, and the carrying and use of weapons.
Millwood School exists to provide the best possible education for its students. To do this, Millwood School enforces a very simple, but very profound, policy:
No one has the right to keep a teacher from teaching, or a student from learning. Anyone who chooses to do that will lose the privilege of being in class.
At Millwood School we do enforce this policy, and it creates the wonderful learning environment which all the students and teachers enjoy.
Millwood School follows a code for self-discipline, which is called the Millwood Big Ten. Students promise to follow the Big Ten by signing a copy of the document at the beginning of the school year. If a student strives to keep the promise, he/she will be successful at Millwood.
MILLWOOD SCHOOL’S BIG TEN - Code for Self-Discipline.
As a student at Millwood School, I will be a positive role model by:
- Striving for excellence in scholarship, leadership, and sportsmanship.
- Taking pride in my personal appearance.
- Striving for acceptable, healthful, and positive behaviors.
- Listening while others speak.
- Taking pride in Millwood School.
- Sharing.
- Doing my best to bring honor to Millwood School.
- Always showing respect for people and property.
- Being responsible.
- Using good manners, being kind, courteous and considerate of others.
The Big Ten is stated in positive terms because we believe that all students are capable of achieving self-discipline in these terms. The entire student body is given instruction about and fully understands all Millwood School policies.
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