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The Millwood student body is rich with talent. Our approach to the arts blends practical art and music with social studies and other core curriculum topics such as world languages, language arts, science, and math. Students who participate are strengthened academically and energized by the opportunities to explore their creative talents.


In visual arts, students create their own artwork on a regular basis. Exploring the various techniques of painting, drawing, printmaking, weaving, mixed media, and three-dimensional work, they are able to discover their true artistic passions. Integrating the techniques of famous artists is part of the art curriculum; this unique approach combines an appreciation for art and history with the basic principles of enjoying art. Our specialist art teachers bring a wealth of talent and experience to our students’ endeavors.


1st grade students perform at the annual Winter Concert.


Our music program provides instruction for all grades JK-12th in the areas of general music, instrumental, choral, and music technology.
In this general music setting students practice the fundamentals of music, on their level, to accomplish rhythm, melody, and instrumentation. All of our classes implement singing and movement. We use the Kodaly method of vocal singing to reinforce solfege melodic pitches and rhythm dictation as we read notation.
Middle and Upper School students are able to build on their musical talents.
Middle and Upper School students have the opportunity to choose music as one of their electives. For our instrumental classes, the student decides at the beginning of the year what instrument they would like to study over the year. They will perform in at least one major show and study content that applies to their instrument. Our choral group is an after school club that meets to enhance their vocal singing and rehearse for upcoming performances. The choir students perform for our school concerts, graduation ceremony, and take holiday carolling trips. Music technology is integrated throughout our music courses here at Millwood. Students will have the opportunity to understand how to mix live sound for our Monday Morning Meetings.
In the computer lab and on iPads, we have taken the time to learn how to use the Garageband music software. This program allows us to create our own compositions and share those compositions to enhance other school events such as the 4th grade Book Parade and Grandparents' Coffee.
Our art students are able to take on a variety of activities that help to promote their skills.


Lower School art students showcase their talent!
While some students will become true performers, it is vital that all students become confident and polished public speakers. Our art and music programs foster these skills.
Beginning in kindergarten, all students regularly experience being on stage, or in front of the class, as they present class plays, appear in weekly assemblies, star in special performances, or share their school projects with their class. Students are encouraged and guided as they develop these essential life skills.

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